Online Booking for System Mapping Training

By submitting the form you register for the online training “System Mapping” by Gian Wieck and Fabian Gampp of the System Mapping Academy. The program comprises 3 training days (each 4h) and is held in English.

The information marked with * is required. All other information is optional.

*By booking you agree to our terms and conditions and cancellation policy.

The booking process involves three steps:

  1. Booking: Register for the training by entering your information above and return it to us.

  2. Booking Confirmation: Once you have submitted this form, you will receive an email from us confirming your booking and sending you the invoice with payment details. The participation fee plus statutory VAT is due within 30 days; but no later than the first day of the training program.

  3. Payment Confirmation: As soon as we receive your payment, we will send you a confirmation by email.